Multipurpose functions of water ecosystems – the potential of physical measures

Author: Sara Jalhed, 2022


This report summarizes the result of work carried out in subaction C3:4: Multipurpose functions of water ecosystems – the potential of physical measures. The objective of sub-action C3:4 is to increase the knowledge of multipurpose functions in water ecosystems.

Subaction C3:4 involves the following activities:

  • Workshop on the concept of multipurpose functions of water eco system, involving all project partners that will carry out restauration activities or practical measures (C12, C13, C16, C17, C6, C10, C14).
  • Identify and estimate more functions of the restauration activities or practical measures carried out in the above-mentioned projects
  • Evaluation of the potential of using green infrastructure measures for nutrient removal and flood control, and other co-benefits such as environmental, social and economic
  • Identification of legal and socio-economic factors green infrastructure measures. In cases where these factors negatively affect the possible implementation and how these barriers could be overcome.

The content of this report is divided into four parts, one for each activity. Section 1 gives a brief summary of the workshop attended by the seven projects. In section 3 a deeper analysis is made of the restauration activities and practical measures carried out in the seven projects, focusing on what co-benefits (environmental, social and economical) they’ve potentially contributed with. In the fourth section the term green infrastructure is explained further, what kinds of practical measures it involves and its potential for removal of nutrients and flood control. The possible co-benefits (environmental, social and economical) of these practical measures are also analysed and described further. The last activity was carried out during an internship within the project, and is summarized in Bilaga B: Juridiska, sociala och ekonomiska faktorer som påverkar åtgärdsarbetet.

The full report is available in Swedish

Table of Contents