Environmentally friendly removal of phosphorus-rich sediment from lake Öljaren and re-using it as a fertilizer in agriculture
Author Jenny Herbertsson, Katrineholm Municipality
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Author Jenny Herbertsson, Katrineholm Municipality
Authors: Brian Huser, Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences, Mikael Malmaeus, IVL, Magnus Karlsson, IVL, Robert Almstrand, HaV, Ernst Witter, Örebro County Administrative Board
Authors: Anton Rydstedt, Christian Junestedt, Magnus Rahmberg & Magnus Karlsson, IVL Swedish Environmental Research Institute
Authors: Brian Huser, Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences, Uppsala and Ernst Witter, Örebro County Administrative Board, Örebro
Authors: Brian Huser, Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences, Uppsala and Ernst Witter, Örebro County Administrative Board, Örebro
Authors: Brian Huser, Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences, Uppsala and Ernst Witter, Örebro County Administrative Board, Örebro
Authors: Brian Huser, Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences, Uppsala and Ernst Witter, Örebro County Administrative Board, Örebro
Authors: Brian Huser, Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences, Uppsala, Ernst Witter, Örebro County Administrative Board, Örebro
Authors: Towe Holmborn, Sollentuna municipality, Louise Andersson, Upplands Väsby municipality, Joakim Pansar and Jonas Hagström, County Administrative Board of Stockholm
Author: Jenny Herbertsson, the municipality of Katrineholm, 2022.
Authors: Martin Karlsson and Martin Reutgard, Ecopelag 2019-12-30
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