Assessment of social and economic impact of Rich Waters projects, part 2
Authors: Frida Franzén and Mats Svensson, Tyréns AB
Start > En > Publications > Year > 2024
Authors: Frida Franzén and Mats Svensson, Tyréns AB
Author: Gustav Myhrman, Mälarenergi
Author Jenny Herbertsson, Katrineholm Municipality
Author: Zahrah Lifvendahl, Uppsala Municipality
Authors: Mia Sklenar, the county administrative board of Södermland and Anneli Carlén, the Nyköping Rivers Water Conservation Association
Author: Malin Karlsson, the county administrative board of Västmanland
Authors: Susanna Hansen, the Municipality of Västerås, Johan Lind, Mälarenergi
The responsibility for the content of this website lies entirely with the County Administrative Board of Västmanland and the project partners. The content does not reflect the official opinion of the European Union.