Local commitment in Kiladalen

Tre män och två kvinnor står tillsammans vid en å som rinner genom ett jordbrukslandskap. En kvinna i mörkt hår och röda kläder håller i en stor karta som de andra tittar på. Landskapet består av gröna fält, med skog i bakgrunden. Man ser även en ladugård längre bort där fälten tar slut.

We all share the same water. That is why lots of people often need to invest time, effort and commitment in measures designed to improve the aquatic environment. These include wetlands, drainage or new ditches that affect a number of landowners and farmers along waterways. Open dialogue and taking on board everyone’s perspectives and knowledge of the site is crucial – collaboration will allow us to make a difference together.

Kiladalen is an old agricultural district in Södermanland where streams and lakes are seeing major problems with eutrophication as nutrients from the fields leach into the water. Here, Nyköpingsåarnas vattenvårdsförbund (the Water Management Association for the Nyköping Rivers) and the Södermanland County Administrative Board, together with landowners and farmers, have implemented numerous measures for the water, such as reducing erosion by sloping the edges of ditches, building phosphorus ponds and restoring the Erkan wetland. They have joined forces around a common goal: to improve the water in the lakes and rivers of Kiladalen.