Leachate and soil treatment at the Dragmossen landfill in Älvkarleby municipality

Authors: Mauritz Ramstedt, Bioremed AB and Maj-Britt Lundberg, the Municipality of Älvkarleby

Read the full report in Swedish


Action: C19 – Remediation of contaminated areas – demo and innovation
Start date: January 2017
Closing date: June 2024
Parties: Älvkarleby Kommun & Bioremed AB
Objectives of the Action: Treatment and remediation of leachate water from a closed landfill

Expected results:

  • Stop the outflow of leachate from the landfill to adjacent watercourses and groundwater
  • Disposal of the leachate
  • Metabolization or uptake of contaminants in the leachate water for decontamination of the landfill and settle the leachate problem before the end of the landfill period.

The project will demonstrate and evaluate the use of Salix to remediate contaminated areas through a project at the old landfill Dragmossen in Älvkarleby. Salix plants can consume large amounts of water and are resistant to high levels of contaminants. By planting willow on and adjacent to the landfill, it is possible to take care of and prevent contaminated leachate water from spreading to groundwater and surrounding areas. The pollutants are absorbed or metabolized by the Salix plants.

The high level of irrigation has led to increased growthrate of the Salix plants, much higher than  the normal growth, This means also that the uptake of contaminants from the soil and water has been faster than originally presumed.     By harvesting and combustion of the willow, the landfill can be decontaminated in the long term, and in the meantime withhold the contaminations at the site. The project is important as it can demonstrate a cheap and effective method that can be used on thousands of landfills to prevent leakage and contamination of lakes and watercourses, and ultimately the Baltic Sea.

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