Geographical information (e.g. GIS-layer, printed reports) for use in planning of land and water

Deliverable No. 19. 30/06/2019 (Action C3)

Full report (in Swedish)


The report presents several proposals for measures that can be used to mitigate peak flows in watercourses and thus minimise the risk of flooding in vulnerable areas. Different measures are suitable in different environments.

The proposals have been divided into measures that are primarily suitable for nature and urban environments. Access to land is important and distinguishes what kind of measures that can be considered appropriate. In urban environments, the demand for undeveloped land is high and the anti-flood measures must therefore often be adapted accordingly and applied on a smaller scale compared to the more large-scale measures that can be realised in rural areas and natural land. Cities are also exposed to rainfall and rapid rainfall, and measures for these floods have often a great effect.

Table of Contents